• Services
    & Discovery

Visioning & Discovery

Finding Your WOW

Costly changes and delays on a project can occur without a clear vision and a plan to achieve it. Project visioning encompasses discovering who you are as a client, assessing project challenges and opportunities, compiling detailed programmatic needs the building must support, developing a realistic budget and schedule, and considering the context of the project.

Design Collaborative’s visioning starts with a deep-dive discovery process to define the problems that need to be solved. Our discovery process lets us understand where you are now and dream with you about your future wow. Then we work together to develop the how, mapping out the strategy to get us from your now to your wow.

What We Offer

  • Scope Definition
  • Site Selection
  • Fundraising Assistance
  • Capital Needs/Budgeting
  • Strategic Planning
  • Programming
  • Zoning
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