• Services

Facility Assessments

A building is a significant investment. A facilities condition assessment is a long-term planning tool used by leaders to make informed decisions on maintenance and capital re-investments to protect the value of the investment.

Assessments include an analysis of the current condition of a facility, including building systems, structural integrity, safety, and accessibility. Deficiencies are identified and needs are prioritized based on urgency. Design Collaborative’s experts work within your organizational goals to provide a usable report that measures your facility based on the Average Age of the Plant or FCI (Facility Condition Index).

DC’s SMARTool then itemizes the facility assessment into manageable components and organizes the information with detailed costs to give you the ability to execute your long-term plan. Included are strategies outlining regular and preventative maintenance, reducing deferred maintenance, eliminating safety hazards, identifying energy conservation and sustainability measures, and developing cost estimates and schedules to correct deficiencies and plan for capital renewal or modernization projects.


What We Offer

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