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    Bright Future

As electric vehicles (EVs) become more prominent in today’s society, it may be time to start considering including electric vehicle chargers at your facility. You may be thinking – electric vehicles, that’s still a long way off. I don’t need to worry about having EV chargers!

Well, the transition may be coming quicker than you think. In fact, California (CA) has established a regulation that by 2035 (a mere 13 years away), 100% of new cars sold in CA will be zero-emission vehicles. Even the midwest, often years behind the coasts as far as new innovations, is establishing groundwork for EVs and EV charging stations. More and more we’re seeing Teslas, Ford F150 Lightnings, and other EVs zipping around on a regular basis.

Electric Vehicle Charger
Electric Vehicle Charger
Charging EV

So what does this look like for you, and why is it important to start planning for an EV future now?

A great step is to start with your employees and those you serve. Send out a survey to find out how many people currently own an EV, or plan on owning one in the near future. Ask them if having an EV charging station would make a positive difference for them.

Second, check on your state’s EV initiatives. Many car manufacturers themselves have goals to reduce or completely eliminate the production of Internal Combustion Engine (ICE), or fuel-powered, vehicles by a certain year. Read up on what’s happening in your region, and make sure you’re planning ahead!

Charging EV

Before you start to panic about what you need to be doing to get ready for the future of EVs, worry no further. Architects and engineers are already on top of the solutions available to you, and Design Collaborative even has an electrical designer on board with first-hand knowledge with electric vehicles – Phillip Oprie. If you’re just wondering where to start, he would be a great resource to reach out to with questions!

What’s great about preparing for the future of EVs is that you don’t need to have full blown EV charging stations ready to go – you can start with just integrating the base of the station into your design, and update it later with actual charging abilities. It’s comforting to know that, while the development of EVs is rapidly approaching, you can gradually start updating your facilities to accommodate this EV future without breaking the bank or interrupting your current plans.

EV Charging on Building
EV Charging on Building
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    Questions about electric vehicles, EV charging, and/or how this might affect your space? Phillip Oprie, PE, is happy to talk with you!

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