Elevating the Workplace with Outdoor Spaces
By Lauren Elliott, RID, NCIDQ
April 5, 2022Post Tagged in
It’s the time of year when there are days where the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and there’s a warmth to the air that has a faint smell of summer. No matter how amazing your office space is to work in, you’re just dreaming of picking up your desk and moving it outside to enjoy the sunshine. More and more, people are realizing just how important access to the outdoors is to our mental health and wellbeing, especially if you often work indoors. Design Collaborative loves integrating outdoor spaces into workplace design, knowing how beneficial it is to employees. A study from Texas A&M University showed that having an outdoor space at work could reduce stress, build teams, improve physical activity in employees which reduces illness, and create better social interactions. Providing landscaped areas is a great way to spark creativity, improve peoples’ moods, and promote collaboration through a change of scenery. |