Project Attributes

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Recognizing the need to relocate, a comprehensive master plan was conceived for the Parks Department on Center Lake, leading to the establishment of a new facility.

City of Warsaw Parks and Recreation Maintenance Garage Break Room City of Warsaw Parks and Recreation Maintenance Garage Break Room City of Warsaw Parks and Recreation Maintenance Garage Break Room City of Warsaw Parks and Recreation Maintenance Garage Office

This well-located plot of land, situated right at the edge of downtown and serving as the gateway to Center Lake Park, was carefully chosen to accommodate the new building.

It was crucial that the structure not only possess functionality but also contribute aesthetically to the downtown skyline. The result is a visually appealing building that houses both the Parks Department offices and maintenance garage, serving as a testament to thoughtful urban planning and the city’s commitment to preserving its green spaces.

City of Warsaw Parks and Recreation Maintenance Garage Storage Area City of Warsaw Parks and Recreation Maintenance Garage Interior City of Warsaw Parks and Recreation Maintenance Garage Interior
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