Their new sales floor, directly above their new music store, includes a dining area, fitness space, spa, and even doctors’ offices for employees.

Downbeat Diner, serves all of Sweetwater’s departments.

The space is a testament to their continuous growth and commitment to excellence! The expanded kitchen is not only optimized for our increasing staff but is also open to the public, making it a perfect place for sharing a meal or meeting up with friends. Design ensures smooth navigation for both kitchen staff and guests to enhance efficiency and ease of service. The revamped space features increased storage, cooler/freezer space, pastry/dessert-making area, airtight dishwashing, a main kitchen, and an inviting serving area.

The Sales Floor has underwent a significant expansion to ensure their customer-first approach continues to thrive.

Sweetwater believes in top-notch customer service, a factor that has propelled them to the top in online music retailing. The new design includes room for sales cubicles, expanded restrooms, a new break area, managerial offices, conference space, and an additional entrance leading to an expanded fitness area. Sweetwater believes in prioritizing the well-being of its employees as it directly correlates to the quality of service rendered to customers. The unique design includes a floating concrete floor on spring isolators for the weights area to minimize noise and vibration disturbances.

To top it off, the main entrance was relocated for a straightforward line of sight right from the entrance to the store.

The design, enhanced with a metal panel and stone, is intended to stand out and widen to welcome more guests and has quickly become an Instagram-favorite spot.

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