• Services
    WELL Building

WELL Building Design

Have you considered the wellness of your building?

The Well Building Institute has outlined a set of performance-based standards, grounded in evidence-backed research and focused on the wellness of the whole human who occupies it. Just like LEED allowed building owners to prove they were sustainable through a rigorous third-party performance standard, WELL allows groups to prove a focus on wellness. Obtaining Well Building Certification is all about differentiating and adding value as companies today compete in recruitment, performance, and retention. 

Design Collaborative’s team of designers incorporates WELL design principles through the engineering of improved indoor air quality and thermal comfort, water quality and accessibility, and lighting design to acknowledge circadian rhythm and control brightness and glare. Our interior designers and architects consider specifications to improve acoustics, avoid hazardous materials, and promote movement through furniture selections. Spaces are designed for accessibility and to support emotional well-being by incorporating nature and areas to accommodate clients’ wellness programs.

What We Offer

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